Yandere Simulator Game Online Play Free

This Japanese stealth game will take you to the school environment where a very queer love story will unfold in front of your eyes. You will play for the girl who looks like a plain teenager. The heroine falls in love with the guy from her school. And this feeling becomes a real obsession. You will have to help her eliminate all obstacles that may arise on the way to her happiness, and sometimes her cruelty is shocking.

Main characters

The main heroine is the girl for whom you will play. Her name is Ayano Aishi, but the developer calls her Yandere. Why is that? The explanation is very simple. This word means a mentally unbalanced person. And the main character is so insane about her infatuation that she loses her mind trying all methods to win the heart of the guy. And even the murder will not stop her on the way to her aim – she will kill potential rivals without hesitation. The other character is Senpai or Taro Yamada, the boy who became the reason of all murders. He is a positive person who loves to read. He has no idea that Ayano is so madly in love with him. There are also additional characters that will appear in the process of gameplay. And these are ten rivals that Yandere will try to get rid of. Each of them will appear in a new week, and the main heroine will not see them all at once.

How to play?

There is a belief in Japan that whenever a girl wants to confess to a guy she is in love with, she must do it on Friday under a cherry tree. This will guarantee that young people will be together forever. So Ayano is planning to realize this ritual with Senpai. But every time she sees another girl approaches the guy, she is scared that girl may be the first win his heart. And her plan is to eliminate the enemy before Friday comes. There are two ways to do it – to spread bad rumors about the girl or use some violent measures. Yandere will not stop if she even needs to kill the opponent. The heroine will try to thoroughly hide all evidence of her crimes and continue pretending an innocent girl. The game is still under development. And its main idea is that its author does not directly encourage killing of other characters. The more terrible crimes you make, the more you affect the mental health of the main heroine. However, if you work out other complex schemes of fraud and gossips, the main character will become more and more calm and satisfied. Try this unusual game to see how you can manage this loves tory challenge.

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